ACN Transition to Practice Program
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The ACN Transition to Practice Program prepares newly qualified Registered and Enrolled Nurses for a confident entry into the workforce.


Is this program right for me?

This program is designed for newly qualified Registered and Enrolled Nurses.

  • If you are not practicing, the program will provide you with a framework and evidence of active continuous learning and development to reassure future employers of underpinning knowledge and sound preparation for practice.
  • If you are practising clinically, but not engaged in formal transition programs, the program will complement and support your practice and assessment of practical application can be completed in your workplace.
  • If you are employed in a graduate program, the program will complement your learning and performance.

Program outline

This module covers the legal, ethical, and professional frameworks governing nursing in Australia. It focuses on regulation, registration requirements, scope of practice, guidelines, policies, and implications for negligence and duty of care.

  • Regulatory frameworks and registration requirements
  • Roles of regulatory bodies in maintaining standards
  • Legal and ethical principles in nursing practice
  • Strategies for advocating professional standards
  • Compliance with national standards for safety and practice

This module focuses on governance principles and national standards within Australian healthcare to ensure quality and safety. It emphasises the integration of NSQHS and Aged Care Quality Standards into nursing practice.

  • Principles of governance in healthcare
  • Application of NSQHS and Aged Care Standards
  • Integrating governance frameworks in daily practice
  • Role of clinical governance in continuous improvement
  • Ensuring patient-centred care through standards adherence​

This module emphasises the knowledge and skills for safe medication administration. It covers legal frameworks, high-risk medications, and best practices to prevent medication errors. Moreover, it integrates the NSQHS standards related to medication safety.

  • Legal responsibilities in medication administration
  • Safe medication practices and error prevention
  • High-risk medication management
  • Medication reconciliation during patient transitions
  • Documentation and monitoring for medication safety​

This module focuses on recognising and managing acute deterioration, emphasising early detection, teamwork, and structured communication. It also provides an overview of guidelines for responding to acute deterioration in various settings.

  • Early warning signs of patient deterioration
  • Importance of early intervention and escalation
  • Effective communication during acute deterioration
  • Use of ISBAR framework for structured communication
  • Emergency response processes in different healthcare settings​

This module aims to refresh the learner’s knowledge and skills for accurate, legally compliant clinical documentation. It emphasises best practices, legal considerations, and the use of structured communication frameworks like ISoBAR for safe handovers.

  • Legal and ethical considerations in documentation
  • Best practices for accurate record-keeping
  • Maintaining patient confidentiality and privacy
  • Effective use of ISoBAR framework for handovers
  • Implications of clinical documentation on patient safety

This module focuses on communication, teamwork, and conflict management in healthcare. Provides strategies for fostering collaboration, resolving conflicts, and improving patient safety.

  • Importance of effective communication in healthcare
  • Building and sustaining teamwork in clinical settings
  • Conflict management techniques and resolution styles
  • Enhancing team dynamics and collaboration
  • Improving patient outcomes through effective communication​

This module addresses the ethical, legal, and professional standards guiding nursing practices in Australia. It also discusses maintaining professional boundaries, managing workplace issues, and using social media responsibly.

  • Navigating professional boundaries in nursing
  • Maintaining ethical client interactions
  • Cultural safety and client-centred care
  • Managing bullying, discrimination, and harassment
  • Social media use and safeguarding patient confidentiality

This module explores current trends and global challenges in nursing, such as aging populations, chronic diseases, and technological advancements. It aims to equip learners with strategies to navigate these challenges.

  • Analysis of global health trends affecting nursing
  • Contemporary healthcare issues and their impact
  • Evidence-based practices for enhancing patient care
  • Advocacy for healthcare policy improvements
  • The global migration of nursing professionals​

This module aims to ensure the participants gain insight into essential leadership skills, delegation practices, and supervision techniques. It emphasises mentorship, transforming from clinician to leader, and fostering a supportive team environment.

  • Developing leadership qualities in nursing
  • Effective delegation and supervision strategies
  • Leadership in complex healthcare settings
  • Mentorship and professional development
  • Transforming from clinician to nursing leader​

This module provides an overview of primary healthcare in Australia, covering its history, structure, and the roles of nurses in community health. It emphasises culturally competent care and health promotion.

  • History and significance of primary healthcare
  • Structure and responsibilities of primary healthcare services
  • Roles and career options in primary healthcare
  • Best practices in community nursing
  • Integrating health services for comprehensive care

This module provides learners with effective strategies for handling the high demands of their profession. It highlights the importance of balancing personal well-being and professional duties to avoid burnout, improve job satisfaction, and ensure quality patient care. Topics include stress management, coping with grief and loss, and identifying and addressing symptoms of compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma.

  • Importance of work-life balance in nursing
  • Techniques for effective stress management
  • Coping strategies for grief, loss, and emotional strain
  • Managing symptoms of compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma
  • Practical self-care techniques to improve overall well-being​

This module focuses on career development in nursing, covering professional growth, expanding clinical expertise, and enhancing the quality of patient care. It guides building a professional portfolio, exploring postgraduate pathways, and navigating specialisation options in the healthcare system.

  • Benefits of career advancement in nursing.
  • Overview of career pathways and specialisation options.
  • Steps for building a professional portfolio.
  • Postgraduate education options and requirements.
  • Developing a personalised career development plan

Frequently asked questions

The Transition to Practice program is self-directed, online and must be completed within six months from commencement of the program. The program is made up of 12 modules each with 4 hours of content and required a minimum of 52-56 hours of study access the entire series.

We recommend doing the program in a more concentrated tempo and completing it within eight to twelve weeks focusing on one unit at a time. Please note that you will have to complete the previous unit to be able to move on to the next unit.

12 modules forming an online transition to practice program for newly qualified Registered and Enrolled Nurses. 12 generic units suitable for RN or EN completion, plus 1 additional unit applicable to Registered Nurses:

  • Where participants are employed in clinical practice via local graduate programs by their employer, these units can be accessed to complement learning and performance. Units may be accessed on a modular basis as relevant to the individual’s learning and development needs.
  • Where participants are practising clinically, but not engaged in formal transition programs, these units will complement, and support practice and assessment of practical application can be completed in the workplace. It is recommended all units be completed in this scenario.
  • Where participants are not practising, these units will provide a framework and evidence active continuous learning and development to reassure future employers of underpinning knowledge and sound preparation for practice. All units should be completed by this cohort.

Yes, if you complete the entire program then complete a final survey, you will be awarded 56 CPD hours. You will also receive a certificate.

The program prepares newly qualified Registered and Enrolled Nurses for a confident entry into the workforce. The program allows new grads who have not secured a graduate position to gain equivalent knowledge Upon completion of the program’s 13 modules, participants will be able to provide future employers with evidence of their knowledge, commitment to continuous learning and development and their readiness for practice.

  • Where participants are employed in clinical practice via local graduate programs by their employer, these units can be accessed to complement learning and performance. Units may be accessed on a modular basis as relevant to the individual’s learning and development needs.
  • Where participants are practising clinically, but not engaged in formal transition programs, these units will complement, and support practice and assessment of practical application can be completed in the workplace. It is recommended all units be completed in this scenario.
  • Where participants are not practising, these units will provide a framework and evidence active continuous learning and development to reassure future employers of underpinning knowledge and sound preparation for practice. All units should be completed by this cohort.

The program is designed for newly qualified Registered and Enrolled Nurses. Once they graduated and registered, they should be able to access this program.

The program is not intended to replace any current graduate programs nor placement programs. The Transition to Practice program would better support participants and give them a better chance of obtaining employment.

This program does not include any assessments. Each module contains interactive activities and quizzes designed to summarise and reinforce your knowledge.

Registration fee

50% discount for all members:

Full price for all non-members:

Contact us

t: 1800 061 660