The role of nurses in a public health response to child abuse and neglect

The role of nurses in a public health response to child abuse and neglect

Overview Australia is grappling with a significant child maltreatment crisis, highlighted by the 2023 Australian Child Maltreatment Study, which found 62.2% of children and youth experiencing maltreatment, leading to potential mental health problems, behavioural harms and health-risk behaviours. This position statement underscores the necessity for a public health approach to child abuse and neglect. It…


Diabetes inquiry

View Fullscreen More resources Policy Paper Blood donation in Australia — Joint issues brief with the Australian College of Nursing and CRANAplus 23 July 2020 Position Statement Palliative and end-of-life care in aged care: A response to the findings of the Royal Commission into aged care quality and safety 1 October 2021 Submission Diabetes inquiry…


Migration pathway to nation building

View Fullscreen More resources Position Statement Unregulated health care workers 3 February 2020 Position Statement Maternal, child and family health nursing 20 February 2024 Submission Commonwealth Government COVID-19 response inquiry 1 December 2023 Position Statement Minimum educational qualifications for nursing staff in residential aged care settings 9 November 2021 Position Statement The role of nurses…


Universal access to reproductive healthcare

View Fullscreen More resources Position Statement Clinical supervision for nurses and midwives 1 April 2019 Position Statement Nurse-led innovations in response to COVID-19 for adults living with chronic disease and multimorbidity 3 March 2023 Submission Commonwealth Government COVID-19 response inquiry 1 December 2023 Position Statement Working with children above a healthy weight in primary health…


Engaging your Member of Parliament

View Fullscreen More resources Submission Letter: Addressing Collaborative Arrangements for Nurse Practitioners 8 October 2020 Position Statement Clinical supervision for nurses and midwives 1 April 2019 Position Statement Nurses, genomics and clinical practice 8 December 2020 Policy Paper Improving health outcomes in rural and remote Australia: Optimising the contribution of nurses 1 December 2018 Position…

Position Statement

The role of the nurse in the assessment and management of multimorbidity

View Fullscreen More resources Position Statement Restrictive practices 7 February 2022 Position Statement Reimagining the role of nursing in emissions reduction 11 March 2022 Position Statement Occupational violence against nurses 25 October 2021 Position Statement Voluntary Assisted Dying 20 January 2021 Position Statement Nurses and violence 3 March 2023 Submission Diabetes inquiry 1 August 2023…

Policy Paper

Nurses, immunisation and health

View Fullscreen More resources Position Statement The role of nurses in promoting healthy ageing 25 November 2019 Position Statement Scope of practice – Registered Nurses in the community setting 2 June 2024 Position Statement Unregulated health care workers 3 February 2020 Policy Paper Nurses, immunisation and health 21 April 2020 Position Statement Working with children…

Position Statement

Nurses, immunisation and health

View Fullscreen More resources Policy Paper Nurse leadership during disruptive events 17 March 2022 Position Statement Modern slavery 5 March 2024 Policy Paper Blood donation in Australia — Joint issues brief with the Australian College of Nursing and CRANAplus 23 July 2020 Submission Migration pathway to nation building 1 March 2023 Position Statement The role…