Health investment a step in the right direction

The Australian College of Nursing welcomes the Treasurer’s Budget which outlined investment and support for the four pillars of the health system: guaranteeing Medicare and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme; supporting hospitals; prioritising preventative and mental health; and investing in medical research. “The Australian College of Nursing supports the positive announcements such as the innovative ‘5…

Opt-out must be brought in

The Australian College of Nursing is calling on the Federal Government to adopt the key recommendation of the Evaluation of the Participation Trials for the My Health Record final report and implement a national op-out approach to shared electronic health records. “Shared electronic health records will save lives,” Australian College of Nursing CEO, Adjunct Professor…

Choosing wisely good for us all

The Australian College of Nursing is throwing its weight behind the Choosing Wisely campaign’s aim of improving health outcomes by reducing unnecessary test, treatments and procedures for patients in hospital. “Nurses make up 50 per cent of the health workforce and have the most contact with patients at the point of care of any professional…

Victoria’s health investment aspirational

The Victorian Government’s prioritisation of health care in this week’s Budget has been warmly welcomed by the Australian College of Nursing. “Around $2.9 billion has been allocated to the health system, which is about 38 per cent of the overall Victorian Budget,” Australian College of Nursing CEO, Adjunct Professor Kylie Ward said. “Early signs are…