“After the final assessment I was with a new graduate nurse asking her to tell me about her patient. This patient was stable and I found myself asking her about the ‘potential complications’ the patient faced… and the words I had written in my essay came flooding back. I was very happy to link what I had learnt and written into practice. This unit helped me a lot to enhance my knowledge in relation to clinical setting.”

Student in Principles of Orthopaedic Nurses

“CNnect has taken some getting used too but I have yet to find the “perfect” computer program. During the course I have visited the College at Parramatta and found the library staff very supportive and helpful and above all very pleasant to deal with. On my visits I asked if it was possible to speak with my Tutor and she had no problems in spending some time with me. She actually took time out to come and see me in the library. Her passion for this subject was obvious.”

Student 2 in Principles of Orthopaedic Nurses

“Thank you so much. I have thoroughly enjoyed being involved in this course and have learnt an enormous amount relevant to everyday nursing practice. This course has ignited a passion of learning; to deliver best nursing practice and be instrumental in quality patient outcomes.  I will definitely be looking to continue study in the not too distant future. Sincere thanks to you again for your consistent support and facilitation of my learning, you have been inspiring and a fantastic role model and I am grateful and appreciative.”

Graduate Student in Musculoskeletal and Rheumatology Nursing

“A non-judgmental collegial voice that can represent nurses and nursing to all sides of government and associated organisations. Being part of this organisation affords me a voice to position nursing for the future. It is also the peak organisation that I can contact for advice and information on professional questions. Through organised conferences and meetings, I can network with, mentor, or be mentored by, nurses who may not be within my geographical or professional sphere.”

Sussan Pleunik FACN

“As a third year nursing student I joined ACN primarily for the wide range of continuing education opportunities available. I have since been very impressed by the level of support, professionalism and encouragement offered by the organisation. I have been in healthcare in another profession for 16 years and nursing is a career change for me. In all that time I have never felt supported the way I have by ACN. I am thrilled to become a part of the nursing profession and I am so glad that I became an ACN member.”

Katie Dickson MACN(Student)

“Thirty seven years in the nursing profession and loving it! Central to my enthusiasm is being “meshworked” with colleagues who also have vision, passion, commitment and action – and there are thousands of us. The Australian College of Nursing is my “tribe” where I belong, am valued, informed and where I can contribute to supporting our profession to flourish.”

Ilze Jaunberzins MACN

“I am very proud to be a Fellow of the Australian College of Nursing. I have been a Member since 2005 and it has given me the opportunity to network with like-minded nurses and have a voice within my profession.  Being a Member has also given me the confidence to lead others within healthcare.”

Belynda Abbott FACN

“I joined the Australian College of Nurses to help find a unified voice for Community and Primary Health Care (CPHC) Nurses across Australia. Over the past few years ACN has worked with the CPHC Nursing Community of Interest to create a position statement on our speciality; launch the Australian CPHC Nursing week; and currently is helping us to work with stakeholders on a career and educational framework. Together our voice is growing stronger.”

Kate Partington MACN

“I joined ACN as a student member in my first year of my nursing degree and can safely state it has been the best investment of my undergraduate years. Expanding my nursing horizon, seeing the bigger picture of the nursing profession, networking and inspiration will continue into my novice years.”

Suzanne Volejnikova-Wenger MACN(Student)

“As the peak professional body for Australian nurses, membership of the Australian College of Nursing provides me with access to CPD opportunities, networking, mentorship and access to high quality resources. The opportunities to interact with nurses both within my region and throughout Australia provide valuable networking opportunities and potential for collaborative partnerships.”

Karen Yates MACN