“As someone who attends a lot of education, I can honestly say I have gained more professionally and personally in the five days of this course than any other course I have attended.”

MCNLP Participant 10

“This program not only has an exceptional structure with highly relevant and practical content, but also gives you the opportunity to gain exposure to and learn from some of the greatest nurse leaders in our country.”

MCNLP Participant 09

“This program was exactly what I was looking for and so much more! Amazing people, empowering content, practical insights into both overcoming challenges and embracing opportunities to enhance leadership in nursing!”

MCNLP Participant 08

“I feel that I have a better understanding of where nursing is and where it can go into the future – this is an exciting time for us as nurses!”

MCNLP Participant 07

“The skills and knowledge learnt in the masterclasses have given me the courage and confidence I needed to know not only what resources are needed to influence change, but also how to implement change successfully.”

MCNLP Participant 06

“The presenters delivered information that was evidence-based, well-rounded and full of passion for the profession!”

MCNLP Participant 05

“Being surrounded by like-minded people was motivating and inspiring! I learnt so much from other attendees as everyone had an opportunity to share their experiences and thoughts. It was very encouraging and positive.”

MCNLP Participant 04

“As a result of commencing this program, I have a better understanding of HOW I can influence change as a nurse in regional Australia.”

MCNLP Participant 03

“This program has introduced me to new people, new ways of thinking and new ways of understanding myself, the profession and the extent of influence we can have as nurses on health care delivery.”

MCNLP Participant 02

“For any nurse who wishes to be the next generation of influential leaders I would recommend them to undertake the ACN Mid-Career Nurse Leadership Program. Be prepared to be challenged, motivated and inspired by our current leaders but also your fellow participant colleagues.”

MCNLP Participant 01